Entrepreneurial Skills

Every one of my seminars is fully customizable and 100% guaranteed. Let’s talk about your needs and design your seminar to suit your needs today.

Here are some examples of entrepreneurial skills training courses I have offered, but anything is possible. I listen to YOUR needs and give you EXACTLY what you need or your money back!

What It Takes to Be Great

Learn the proven fundamentals to insure you achieve your goals, dreams and happiness. These include: a great attitude, mastery of the marketplace, people skills, listening skills, discipline, organization, time management skills, attention to detail, a written plan, and short term and long term goals. The goal is to give people a strong foundation for life long success. Desire to be the best you can be!

Networking Your Way to Success

Learn how to stand out in the crowd! We’ll go over what to do and how to do it, from introducing yourself to working a crowd, recording contact through following up. Build a life long foundation for success. We will go over the basics to master the process and answer all your questions. Networking is the essential key for entrepreneurial success!

Forge Deeper Relationships – The Kind That Last!

Once you have acquired a new client or customer, the next challenge is to create a personal connection and deepen the relationship. Again, the right power questions will help you do this. I like to ask what I call passion questions and depth questions. Passion questions help you understand what the other person is really excited about in life. They enable you learn what gets them up in the morning. Use credibility-building questions and agenda-setting questions early on in your relationships. Then, use passion questions and depth questions to connect on a personal level. Learn how to ask the questions that will dramatically transform relationships to enrich your career and personal life!


T. TalvinColdwell Banker Commercial
"I learned more from you in one hour than I have in the last five months in commercial real estate"
D. Di BiaseDi Biase Law, Ohio
"I must say I enjoyed your presentation and talk very much, and you are one of the better, if not best CLE speaker I have seen"
D. FunkeLauth Property Group, Colorado
"The best hour and fifteen minutes of the Denver conference was your session on Tenant Representation"
L. Briney, Director, North San DiegoCounty Association of REALTORS®, CA
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